Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm Irish and I love potatoes.

I'm also Norwegian and I love mugs that have the Lord's Prayer written on them in Norwegian. Thankfully, I can enjoy both.
I've been trying lately to get good at cooking basic things. I've spent the last year or two teaching myself to make things like balsamic reduction glazes and orange-honey popovers and things that aren't like, basic food I'm going to want to eat for dinner most days. So I made chili the other day. And decided to figure out how to make breakfast potatoes today. They turned out fantastic, so in case you're interested:

Easy Breakfast Potatoes

Potatoes (1-2 small white or yellow potatoes per person)
1 TB paprika
1 TB ground black pepper
1-2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt
olive oil (a few TBs)

Dice a bunch of potatoes. (That's like, one potato in the photo.)

Boil them for about 5 minutes - just until they're barely tender. While they're boiling, dice some onion and start sauteing that in vegetable oil.

Drain the potatoes and rinse them in cold water.

Mix up the following in a bowl: a bunch of paprika (a big spoon), a bunch of black pepper (another big spoon), some garlic powder (like a teaspoon or so), and some salt (another tsp). Go easy on the salt cause you can always salt when they're in the pan. Add enough olive oil to make a kind of slurry. Then toss your potatoes in the spice/oil until they're coated.

Chuck them into your skillet, which should be hot by now and still have the onions cooking in it. Fry them until they're crispy on the edges! Add whatever extra salt and pepper you want at the end.

Potatoes are best enjoyed while wearing ridiculous bedroom slippers and reading Orion magazine.

1 comment:

  1. I have these slippers!!! hope you are doing well. Miss you! - Val
