Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our house is a very, very, very fine house

Today's my last day of freedom before it's back to TFA-land and the Marriott. I decided to pull out one of my p90x DVDs (for the first time in over two years) and spent an hour doing Kenpo with Tony Horton. I was pleasantly surprised to not be keeling over by the end - credit I'm going to give to LA Boxing back in Chicago. Made some ham and eggs, and a cup of tea, ate some nutella, and got to work on a painting I've been doing to go over my bed.

It's going to be half of a diptych, because I want the whole piece to be as wide as my mattress. But I figure it'll have the green, blue and brown that I currently have going on in my mismatched bedroom, and it'll give me something to put behind my bed without my having to go buy a headboard. Or a bedframe. The photo I'm working from is from an issue of my favorite magazine Orion and is part of a series of "landscapes" taken underwater in ponds and streams. It's the biggest watercolor I've ever tried, and it's taking me a lot longer than I thought it would, but it's nice, meditative work and I'm happy with how it's looking so far. It's been too long since I made anything pretty.

Otherwise, I've been listening to Crosby, Stills and Nash (thanks to a hefty donation from my Dad's iTunes), chatting with faraway friends of the Biber and Ex types, and enjoying one hell of a thunderstorm from my cozy screen porch. I have no porch furniture at the moment, but since I also have no dining room/kitchen table, I've at least got a spare chair.

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