This morning I stepped out into the small porch room that opens into my kitchen and was startled by a sparrow who seemed to be messing around on the storage shelf. The sparrow quickly darted out the hole in the wall (meant for a dryer to vent) and I continued poking through my compost bin.

After a minute or so I noticed that the birds outside were making a lot of angry squawking and chirping, and I kind of half-thought, are they that upset I scared one sparrow out of my porch? Then the sparrow flew back in the hole again, darted out when I looked up, and continued scolding me from outside. Okay, I thought, I guess I should cover this hole. So I propped up a piece of cardboard against it and finished with my worm bin. But the birds kept yelling at me. I glanced up at the shelf the sparrow had been fussing over, and it dawned on me.

See it? Look closer.

The little buggers are building a nest in my bubble wrap. I imagine that a rational person would just block the hole in the wall and throw out the nest, but anyone who knows me knows that's not what I'm going to do. There are going to be little baby birds on my porch! Awesome!
What is a little annoying is that I like to keep my kitchen door open, and rely on the outer screen door to keep the bugs out. Now that I've got birds flying in and out of the porch, I'm a little worried they might decide to explore my kitchen, and I'm not about to have frantic sparrows flapping around inside my house. So...I'll be picking up a big piece of some meshy fabric this weekend to hang over my kitchen door. To keep the birds out.
In other local wildlife anole friend from the summer is back! She was sunning herself on my back stoop when I got home from school on Thursday. The end of her tail looks a little beat up, but otherwise seemingly no worse for the wear after winter.
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