Thursday, January 20, 2011

"That's why you're so small, Ms. Andersen."

Eating has become substantially more enjoyable. I had honey yesterday. Something actually, truly sweet. Milk didn't seem to cause any problems, and neither did tea, so this afternoon I made myself a tea-ish sort of latte. Earl grey tea, hot milk and honey. It was glorious. I tested ground pork at dinner tonight, and soy (edamame) for lunch. One of my students came in to say hi today while I was eating my edamame at my desk. When he noticed the soybeans, he was perplexed. "Whoa, Ms. Andersen! What is that!?" I explained it was soy beans. "What's that go with?" he wanted to know. "Like, what meat?" I said I wasn't really sure, but that you get it at sushi restaurants sometimes. He looked skeptical. "That's why you're so small, Ms. Andersen. You eat beans for lunch." Fair enough.

My kids often make fun of my lunches, usually by insisting that it's white people food. It's funny - I can't tell you how many times I've been asked either what I'm having for dinner, or whether I like a certain food (one kid was legitimately surprised that I, a white person, like fried chicken). This morning, one girl explained: "White people be eatin' like, salads and fruit and stuff. Black people eat macaroni and cheese." Maybe black people don't eat edamame?

Tomorrow is a teacher workday, which means I can sleep in until seven, make scrambled eggs for breakfast (!!) and drive to school in the daylight.

Also! Liver enzymes, alk phos, everything is nice and normal again. ALT = 15, AST = 19, AlkPhos = 84. As there is now nothing diagnostically interesting about my blood, I guess it'll be a while before I see Dr. Nami again. Which is fine by me, because last appointment I waited an hour before seeing him for about five minutes, after which they quickly drew four tubes of my blood and sent me home. Sixty dollar co-pay to top it off. I'm just praying that this silly diet reveals something useful and that my joints remain as generally healthy-feeling as they have been. I even went for a run yesterday! (I'm tentatively thinking of running a 5k in March. This would be quite a feat, given that I am still pretty well out of shape and have never run in any kind of race ever...but it doesn't seem un-doable.)

1 comment:

  1. You are so hilarious. And a relentless knowledge seeker. I like these things about you Ms. Andersen. I wish I were in your class and could make fun of your white-people food.
