Our kids bombed their midterm (we're talking like class averages in the 50s). And then they bombed the quiz we gave them on Friday that was designed to be relatively easy and give them a confidence boost after failing the midterm so miserably. However, I refuse to count this a failure because we have three more quarters to get them ready for N.C.'s End of Course exam; it just goes in the category of not-yet-successful. This morning I got up and cranked out two study guides for them to complete as homework on Monday and Tuesday in preparation for their test on Wednesday. Do you know what two people make up the city's Executive Branch? How many justices are there on the N.C. Supreme Court? What is our state legislature called? No? Well, neither do a lot of our students...yet. But they had damn well better know it on Wednesday, because we will have worked their butts off and they will have no excuse. End of story.
Success #1 today was finishing spray painting my porch furniture. Well, almost-success. I got two hand-me-down white plastic deck chairs and a matching bench from my no-longer-neighbor Genevieve before she moved. I wanted them to be something other than white, so I decided to try Krylon's Fusion paint, which is supposed to bond right to plastic without priming or sanding or any prep work at all. The stuff is magical! My two chairs look beautiful.

The bench, on the other hand, had been painted white in a previous life (white paint on top of white plastic...not sure what sense that makes). The Fusion paint does indeed fuse beautifully to plastic, without chipping or looking blotchy or puddling up or anything. However, it does not fuse beautifully to crappy old paint. I tried to scrap off as much of the old paint as I could, but it still looks like the furniture equivalent of someone with a skin disease.

Gross. I'll have to make a seat cushion, and throw some pillows on it.
My second success of the day was chili. When I lived in Chicago, I was fortunate enough to live a block away from a fantastic chili and pizza and hot dog place called
Chili Mac's. If you're ever in Chicago and want an amazing chili dog instead of those funky "Chicago-style" hot dogs with neon-green relish and celery salt and nasty little "sport" peppers... take a 22 or 36 to Briar and Broadway and thank me later. I'd never heard of "Cincinnati-style" chili and honestly had no idea what made it any different from what I knew as like, normal chili. Chili powder and cumin = chili, as far as I knew. BUT! I did some googling this morning, found a couple recipes, and actually made a batch of chili that I won't get sick of and throw away after a week. It has cinnamon, coriander, allspice, paprika, cumin, chili, cayenne, and bay leaf (as well as the usual garlic, onion, etc.) I have a tendency to relegate things like cinnamon and allspice to cookie recipes, and forget they can make other things too.

Next up: polyurethaning my blue bookshelf and putting plastic insulation film over my windows.
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