In the afternoon, I took my car up to the shop for an oil change and walked back home. I went and traipsed around in a field or two briefly as a detour. It's cold and snowy, but it was really nice to get outside and breathe cold air after so many days curled up in the house wearing flannel and eating cookies.
I walked around the Cauffiel House across from the park, and looked at the Delaware River. Across the river, New Jersey looked very cold.
Then I walked back up Philly Pike.
You need:
1 large sweet potato
1 egg
3-4 Tablespoons flour
Frying oil (sunflower is best, or you can use canola, or mix butter into either)
Grate 1 sweet potato. Put the grated potato into a towel and wring it out to drain some of the excess moisture. Put it back in a bowl, and mix in one egg, and add flour. Add as much cinnamon as looks good to you, and stir it up until it's well-mixed.
Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet, until it's shimmering and hot. (I flick a few drops of water in it - if it sizzles angrily, it's ready.)
Scoop up the potato mixture by the spoonful and drop it into the oil. You can kind of smush it down a little to flatten it. Let it fry for a minute or two on one side, then flip it over and do the other. They're done when both sides look crispy and lightly browned.
If you're planning any backpacking and don't have a connection to anyone who has hiked the trail, I know a through-hiker who is about your age. One day we met him off the trail in Port Clinton (PA) PA and watched him eat a ginormous amount of food. Keep it in mind, anytime.