I waited for your knock on the door. You were supposed to come between 5 and 7. For that two hours, every time I heard a car pull up outside my heart skipped a beat, and I hoped it was you. I cleaned up my living room, and even changed out of my pajamas. I had everything planned out in my head. I'd show you where the cable hookup was, then I'd bring out my old wireless router and watch over your shoulder as you connected it to the new modem you promised me. Then we'd watch together as my computer found all its little wi-fi bars, and we'd test out the streaming video with something perfect from Hulu.
But then it was 7:05. And then it was 7:15. I called, and was told you were going to be late. That you were "out laying down a line." Right. But you'd be here between 9:00 and 9:30. I made myself some dinner, and tried to enjoy my episode of Mad Men as it buffered, and buffered again, and then stopped buffering until I reloaded the entire page. If only you'd get here, I'd never watch buffering again! I went for a run at 8:15 and hurried back to be sure I didn't miss you. I took the fastest shower ever, so I'd be sure to be out when you arrived. At one point I heard the front door open, and I froze in my tracks to see if I heard a knock on my door. But instead I heard someone walking up the stairs, and Amy's door open and shut behind her.
You never came. A very disenchanted-sounding man called me to reschedule for tomorrow. The twenty-dollar credit to my account would have been nice if I thought you gave it to me because you wanted to. Because you wanted to do something nice. That twenty dollars doesn't make up for the hopes I had. What happens to a dream deferred, anyway?
I'll let you in tomorrow. And I'll let you install my cable. I'll haul out my router and hook it up. I'll be courteous, and offer you a drink if it takes too long. But I want you to know that I haven't forgiven you. I wasted a whole evening, waiting and watching, only to be let down. Twice. I have better things to do with my time than wait around for you. I've got a life to live, Time Warner Cable.
Don't try and call tonight. I won't answer.

This happened to me. I complained and talked my way into free HBO for a month. :) Give it a try!